Tuesday, April 27, 2010

How To Change Password In Shorttask.com | Easy Tutorials

How To Change Password In Shorttask.com:

Step 1: Keep your mouse pointer over Your Account
Keep your mouse pointer over Your Account

Step 2: Now you have to click on Account Setting

Now you have to click on Account Setting

Step 3: Now click on Password and Contact information

Click on Password and Contact information

Step 4: Now Click on image showing box to continue change your password

click on box

Step 5: Now you have to type your new password in both field

Type your password

Step 6: Click on CONTINUE to change your password


Set 7: Then Shorttask.com will confirm you about your password change

Confirm message

How To Change Password In Shorttask.com
Created by: http://rifattutorials.blogspot.com
Easy Tutorials

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